Friday, March 29, 2013

Parry Gripp

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Parry Gripp is a dude who makes songs that are on the internet and are pretty good. His official site is here, but his song-commentaries on youtube videos is what first caught my eye. They do exactly what their titles advertise, and are uniformly charming. This one, for example, is about a hamster on a piano (eating popcorn):

Since the 10 hour version is uncalled for, here's the original version of "Chimpanzee Riding on a Segway:"

Hamsters and chimpanzees not to your liking? Perhaps you'd prefer this video, which Gripp describes succinctly as "[a] song about a hedgehog eating a carrot with his head stuck in a toilet paper tube:"

Finally this last video became the unofficial anthem of my senior design class during my last year as an undergrad. My team was one of two that shared a workshop in the basement of the aerospace building, and the other guys looped this video like an instant replay of a stock car crash over and over again as we worked late into the nights that spring getting our airplanes ready to fly. Hearing it instantly summons memories of the smell of drying super glue and the sound of sandpaper turning balsa wood to powder:

Those are odd associations for a song about a baby monkey and a pig, but then, I'm an odd person, so this is one datum that lines up square on the theory.

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